Below questions are prepare for your help.


What is 3D Casting?

3D Casting is a unique art form which preserves the impressions of your baby’s hands and feet in gold, silver and bronze casts! Babies grow so quickly, so we help you to capture the moment when your baby’s hands and feet are so tiny and cute by making a 3D casting. Framed baby hand and feet sculptures are a truly magical way of capturing how cute and tiny your child’s little hands and feet looked when they were small. We guarantee to produce casts of breathtaking quality and intricate detail.


What is it used for?

Memories are a very important part of our lives. Is this not why we click pictures and photo albums are created. Now it’s time to take a step ahead. Our final product will only add an extra dimension to your memories. This service and the final out can be used to enhance the collection of your memories.


Where can I get 3d casting done?

Right here, with us. Get in touch with us we do the needful.


How long does the process take?

The process starts with the help of Non toxic clay whenever you require a model for eg: foot. The foot is covered with this non toxic clay and then the impression is collected. Then a setting material is used. This is followed by a 3D model generation and then by painting a thin coat of colour or any other material of your choice is applied and framed.


What are the charges?

The charges depend on 2 things, the body part to be casted and the frame chosen by you.


Is it framed?

Absolutely we custom make all of our frames so we can produce a frame for you to suit your individual choice.


Delivery time period?

Normally we take ten days up to a month to give you the final piece.


Are these like Imprints?

No. This product is completely different. We produce a 3-dimensional cast of your baby’s hands and feet.


How long does the casting session take?

Approx 30 mintues to 1 hour in total. This will obviously vary depending on the co-operation and age of your child. New born babies generally take less time than older babies.


What is used to take the moulds? Is it safe?

It is completely safe and harmless. The material used for life-casting mould making is a product made from brown seaweed. Since its discovery in the 1800’s, it has been used by life casters and is now also used in the food, textile and cosmetic industries.


Can I change the colour of the cast or frame?

Yes, providing you inform me strictly before the impressions go in for framing. Please phone me to confirm any changes.


My friend is having a baby, how can I arrange to get casts done?

You can buy a baby cast gift voucher and gift it to a friend. The payment has to be in advance.


Can I have copies?

Each cast is produced from an original mould which can only be used once to produce one single cast. Therefore if you want additional casts I need to know at the time of the casting session as I will need to take additional moulds then.


What if I cancel after the mould has been taken?

As the mould has been taken and the raw material has been used, the advance will not be refunded.


Chemical used in the process have any chance of rashes, allergies or any kind of side effects?

The mixture used in this process is totally tested and tried on self. It is non toxic and totally safe to be used with kids and delicate skin.


What if I am not based in Mumbai and still want to get it done?

Not a worry at all. All you need to do is get some more of your friends interested. The return ticket of 1 person is needed from Mumbai and the city you reside in. If you have friends who are willing to get it done, then the cost per person will go down as the airfare can be divided by all.


What are the display options available?

You can chose from the photo gallery available or decide on any other idea you have.


What are the casts made of?

We pour a high quality sculpting medium into the molds which we have taken of your babies hands and feet. We do not use plaster as this does not last for a long time.


How do we take the impression?

We take a mold of your babies hands and feet by placing a foam type consistency mixture around their little hand and foot which takes approximately 30 seconds to set. Once this has set we gently remove the mold.


What if my child has dry skin or eczema?

I recommend that you have the cream/oil (preferred) you normally use to moisturize your child’s skin and we will just apply a little prior to taking the mould.


Can I have my casts without a frame?



How long until I can collect the finished cast?

Generally 3 weeks from the time of the casting session. During this time you will need to choose your photograph to be included in the frame.


Can my casts be ready quicker?

Each cast goes through a very specific process which includes controlled drying, painting, and mounting in a frame. The delivery time is determined by this process. We try and work hard to get your frame to you in desired time


When do I pay?

50% is payable at the time of the casting session. The balance is due on collection.


Is there anything I can do to make taking the casts easier?


Baby advice. As a general rule, fed babies are happier than unfed ones (although the first rule where babies are concerned is that they are all different). Also, if at all possible, try to give yourself plenty of time. It is amazing how much of the tension of the parent is picked up by even very small babies so if you arrive hassled, your little one may well be hassled in sympathy and therefore be tense. Obviously things happen to the best laid plans and I will do my best to make the experience as relaxed as possible.


Is there anything I can do to make taking the casts easier?


Baby advice. As a general rule, fed babies are happier than unfed ones (although the first rule where babies are concerned is that they are all different). Also, if at all possible, try to give yourself plenty of time. It is amazing how much of the tension of the parent is picked up by even very small babies so if you arrive hassled, your little one may well be hassled in sympathy and therefore be tense. Obviously things happen to the best laid plans and I will do my best to make the experience as relaxed as possible.

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